Last night I went to my knitting group for the first time in 3 weeks. People have been out of town lately, so we had been unable to meet. It was kinda sad--one of the women couldn't attend because her father is dying and she just didn't feel up to socializing, and two other women are getting ready to move away from Chicago at the end of next month. I feel like I'm being left behind by everyone. *sigh* In any case, it was still nice to see everyone again and admire each other's projects. I enjoy knitting alone, but solitary knitting will only get you so far. Knitting in a group can be very rewarding. It's fun to trade tips and get feedback and opinions from your fellow knitters. I'm often inspired by what other people are doing to either do the same project or design one of my own. Everyone needs to have a "tribe" of like-minded people, and knitters are the ultimate tribe. We definitely look out for our own.