WWKIP = World Wide Knit In Public. If you're curious, here's a link where you can read all the details: http://www.wwkipday.com/index.html. The Chicago chapters of Stitch-n-Bitch are participating in WWKIP in Millennium Park, and I intend to be there, front and center. For years, I've been wondering why Chicago doesn't participate in the national Knit-Out events every October, so I'm excited to see us finally getting involved in a public display of knitting, to help raise the consciousness of the muggles among whom we live. I know--calling nonknitters "muggles" is rude, but it cracks me up. Besides, most of them act as if knitting is magic. They'll say things like, "That's just amazing!" or "I don't know how you do that" or "I would never have the patience for that." I like to tell them that it'll teach them patience, but they never believe me. Hey, maybe if they see us all at the park on June 10 and ask a few questions, they'll finally quit asking me if I'm crocheting.