I don't know what I ever did without my cordless phone, with its Time-Life operator headset. (You remember those commercials--you know what I'm talking about.) It's one of the best investments I ever made, because it allows me to knit while I'm talking on the phone. I mean, years ago before I got that phone, I actually had to use my hands to hold the phone while I was talking. Think of all those valuable knitting hours I wasted! (I do talk on the phone a lot, so the number of hours was substantial.) It boggles the mind. Anyway, I made a bunch of phone calls this afternoon, catching up with various family members, and, as a result, made a lot of progress on the Estonian lace scarf. I did switch briefly to a simpler project that didn't require so much attention, but in total I'm pleased with the amount of knitting I got done. It's multitasking at its finest!