In addition to resolving to knit solely from my stash until August, I've also decided that 2007 is going to be my year of selfish knitting. I'm determined to finish some things for myself that have been languishing in my wicker basket for years, including my rust-red chenille jacket, my Shetland lace scarf, and several pairs of socks (my hardwood floors are cold in the winter, but I hate wearing shoes or slippers in the house). For far too long I've put off making thing for myself in favor of making gifts for other people. Every time a friend gets pregnant, I drop everything else to make a blanket or sweater. I truly love doing it, but it's getting out of control. It's time to take a step back and realize that charity begins at home. My only 3 exceptions to this resolution will be (1) work done for hire, (2) items to sell at a craft fair, and (3) items to donate to charity. Everyone else has to get in line behind me, because 2007 is my time.