New Commission

A friend called last night and asked if she could buy a hat and booties for a friend's baby girl. I already have a pink hat on hand (it's one I didn't sell at the craft fair in December) and plenty of yarn left over from it, so making matching booties won't be a problem. If the cats will leave me alone, I can probably knock out a pair tonight. Pictures will be posted, of course. I should probably post an updated picture of the log-cabin baby blanket, too. It's getting to the point where it's almost uncomfortable to work on it in the summer heat, even with the air conditioning on, because it covers my entire lap. The size also makes it tempting for the cats. I have multiple afghans and throws lying around the house, but the only one they want to sit on is the one I'm working on at the moment. I guess it's the natural perversity of cats.
