I'm not a Luddite, but I am a big believer in frugality and not throwing things out unless they're broken beyond repair. Thus, I still have an analog TV that uses a rabbit ear antenna. However, the TV signal is going completely digital in a few months, so I decided to go ahead and buy my converter box last week. I get almost double the number of channels now. Most of them are worthless, but one of them is 31 flavors of awesome. It's called Create and is a PBS station that broadcasts nothing but cooking, crafting, home decorating, and travel shows 24/7. I haven't run across any knitting shows yet, but there are a couple of quilting and sewing shows, so I have hopes that I'll eventually find something related to knitting. In the meantime, I'm just enjoying being able to watch cooking shows every morning while I eat breakfast. I think I'm in love....