Another Rib Cowl

This one isn't for me, though. A friend was cleaning her apartment and found a scarf she started years ago but never finished, so she gave the yarn (and needles, which are very nice) to me. I unraveled the scarf and re-knit the yarn into a rib-knit cowl.

I finished this a while back before the retreat, but I didn't want to post a picture until I had a chance to give it to my friend. She liked it a lot and wore it all this afternoon. It looks good on her. The yarn is Encore worsted, and I did exactly like I did for my own cowl; size 15 needles, 3 x 3 rib in the round, until it was about 6 inches deep.

We are definitely getting our use out of our hand-knit and -crocheted items this winter! It's very satisfying to have a hobby that produces items that are both beautiful and functional. I'm ready for spring but well armed for winter. This is my motto:

Until next time!


monica said…
Cute cowl! I like the colors.
Foxy Knitter said…
Thanks! It looks really good on her, too, if I do say so myself.