As much as I like to make beautiful, fragile things that require a lot of care, I also like to knit things that are a little sturdier and can stand up to heavy use, like dish cloths. Paper towels are wasteful (I try to reserve them for nasty cat-related mishaps) and sponges harbor too many bacteria, so washable reusable cotton dish cloths are what I use for everyday cleaning in the kitchen.
For my sister-in-law and her mom, I made pink dish cloths for Mother's Day; they love these cloths and are always asking me for more, so I was happy to oblige them. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures before I gave them away. However, I made one for myself using the leftover yarn, so at least you can see the colors. Pink usually isn't my thing, but I like this combo of light and dark.
Last night I dug out an old project I started but never finished: a baby hat knit with unspun silk mawata. I had bought the kit for a class I took at the Madrona fiber arts festival years ago. I'm determined to finish this hat and then start another mawata kit I bought long before that, at a Stitches Midwest back in the mid-2000s. I got frustrated years ago and set it aside but now I think I know what I'm doing. We'll see. As always, pictures will be posted. Hope you're enjoying the 3-day weekend.
For my sister-in-law and her mom, I made pink dish cloths for Mother's Day; they love these cloths and are always asking me for more, so I was happy to oblige them. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures before I gave them away. However, I made one for myself using the leftover yarn, so at least you can see the colors. Pink usually isn't my thing, but I like this combo of light and dark.
I made this trio of cloths as a housewarming present for a friend who just bought a new condo. I hope he likes them. I often see him wearing blue and yellow so I at least know he likes this color combo. Whether it goes with his other kitchen gear is another subject, but I'll leave him to sort that out.
Last night I dug out an old project I started but never finished: a baby hat knit with unspun silk mawata. I had bought the kit for a class I took at the Madrona fiber arts festival years ago. I'm determined to finish this hat and then start another mawata kit I bought long before that, at a Stitches Midwest back in the mid-2000s. I got frustrated years ago and set it aside but now I think I know what I'm doing. We'll see. As always, pictures will be posted. Hope you're enjoying the 3-day weekend.