I Am Not Done With Triangles, or Maybe Triangles Aren't Done With Me

 A dear friend's mother has had some health problems recently and I wanted to cheer her up, so I knitted her a shawl and, yes, it's yet another triangle. I used some of the Lion Brand yarn I got at my local Michael's during their going-out-of-business sale last month.

I love that bright color way. I am not sure why I keep gravitating toward triangles, but here we are. I find them aesthetically pleasing, and no matter how your yarn is dyed, you almost always end up with nice symmetrical stripes on either side without even trying. It's like magic. Also, it's a very practical shape and easy to style in multiple ways. My friend's mom loves hers, and that makes me happy, too. I'm making a couple more for some ladies at my church, and I'll post photos when I'm done.
